Service Metricbeat Suddenly Stop After Loaded Dashboard

After i command .\metricbeat setup my metricbeat service still running, but after loaded to dashboard to kibana, my metricbeat service suddenly stop, i don't know why.

my config metricbeat.yml it's okay
my output it's good

anyone can help me to fix that problem?

.\metricbeat setup
Only sets up the assets, loads dashboards etc and then stops... That is the intended behavior.. it does not continue running and collect data.

To actually start / run metricbeat collecting data you actually need to start it with

PS C:\Program Files\metricbeat> Start-Service metricbeat

It is recommended you follow the steps in the Quick Start Guide

Setup is only step 4 of 6

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Hi @stephenb

i have done the step but still not showing the system data

how do we know the metricbeat colleting data?

Check Kibana Discover with data view metrcbeat-* see if there is data.

Check Kibana Observability > Infrastructure Inventory and see if there is data

Look at the logs


Or stop the metricbeat service try starting not as a service but in the foreground and look at the console logs

.\metricbeat -e

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