I know that this thread is ancient, but I was experiencing this issue w/
the java service wrapper, so I wanted to document what I found in case
others are seeing the same thing. In my case, it was deleting its own pid
after startup because I am using a symlink for the current version of ES.
In the getpid() function of the service wrapper in the 'else' of the 'case
"$DIST_OS' block (because I am using Linux), i asked it to echo the command
it was using for pidtest:
echo "$PSEXE -p $pid -o args | grep -F '$WRAPPER_CMD' | tail -1"
pidtest=$PSEXE -p $pid -o args | grep -F "$WRAPPER_CMD" | tail -1
The output of a service start looks like this:
$ sudo service elasticsearch start
Starting Elasticsearch...
Waiting for Elasticsearch......
/bin/ps -p 10468 -o args | grep -F
'/es/elasticsearch-1.0.1/bin/service/exec/elasticsearch-linux-x86-64' |
tail -1
running: PID:10468
/bin/ps -p 10468 -o args | grep -F
'/es/live-version/bin/service/exec/elasticsearch-linux-x86-64' | tail -1
Removed stale pid file: /es/work/elasticsearch.pid
I'm not sure why the first call to 'getpid' is using the "true" path while
the second call is using the symlink, but this is causing the service
wrapper to delete its own PID. One way around this, if you want to point
your init script at a symlink, is to comment out all of the "ES_HOME
determination" stuff at the top of the script, and under it just set it
Just set ES_HOME statically rather than doing anything fancy.
Now, the execution of ES looks like this:
$ sudo service elasticsearch start
Starting Elasticsearch...
Waiting for Elasticsearch......
/bin/ps -p 10744 -o args | grep -F
'/es/live-version/bin/service/exec/elasticsearch-linux-x86-64' | tail -1
running: PID:10744
/bin/ps -p 10744 -o args | grep -F
'/es/live-version/bin/service/exec/elasticsearch-linux-x86-64' | tail -1
And then it doesn't delete its own PID. One downside is you need to edit
the script in this way each time you upgrade.
On Thursday, February 9, 2012 9:43:12 AM UTC-6, Wes Plunk wrote:
I believe I am. I downloaded/installed the service
GitHub - elastic/elasticsearch-servicewrapper: A service wrapper on top of elasticsearch
and everything seems normal. This problem happened only once so far, so
I'm not convinced it's a big issue or anything; however, I'm primarily
trying to confirm how it should work in regards to stale pid files so that
I can set expectations correctly on how to handle it
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