Set kibana to use more decimal places of millisencond of time field

The log record displaying order in kibana discover is from lastest to the oldest .

The millisencond of time field is six decimal places , but it seems that kibana only use three ?

  "_index": "btcs-all-in-one-000004",
  "_type": "_doc",
  "_id": "Uj1S0XkB5s4UegPPCtF5",
  "_version": 1,
  "_score": null,
  "_source": {
    "message": "2021-06-03 18:01:24.0560 [taskScheduler-4] INFO   c.d.b.s.s.impl.DealVehicleSevice 21",
    "fulltime": "2021-06-03T10:01:24.056000Z",
    "service_name": "schedule",
    "log_level": "info"
  "fields": {
    "fulltime": [
  "sort": [

  "_index": "btcs-all-in-one-000004",
  "_type": "_doc",
  "_id": "Uz1S0XkB5s4UegPPCtF5",
  "_version": 1,
  "_score": null,
  "_source": {
    "message": "2021-06-03 18:01:24.0561 [taskScheduler-4] INFO   c.d.b.s.s.impl.DealVehicleSevice 219",
    "fulltime": "2021-06-03T10:01:24.056100Z",
    "service_name": "schedule",
    "log_level": "info"
  "fields": {
    "fulltime": [
  "sort": [

So some log records will be displayed in the wrong order ?

My question is that :
Can it be set to use six decimal places of the millisencond of time field
Thank you

Is fulltime declared as a date field in the mapping? Date field type | Elasticsearch Guide [7.13] | Elastic

If yes, then this is the expected behavior, as a date field can't exceed millisecond precision. If you want to go further than that, please use date_nanos instead: Date nanoseconds field type | Elasticsearch Guide [master] | Elastic

I got it , thank you .

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