Set multiple index by using 'es.resource' at Hive


My problem is the document count is wrong when I set
'es.resource' = 'apache-2014.09.*/apache-access' or
'es.resource' = 'apache-2014.09.29,apache-2014.09.30/apache-access' with
'es.query' = '{ "filter": { "bool": { "must": [ { "range": { "@timestamp":
{ "from": 1411916400000, "to": 1412002800000 } } } ] } } }' configuration
at Hive.

The document count is OK when I just use one index like
'es.resource' = 'apache-2014.09.29/apache-access' with 'es.query' = '{
"filter": { "bool": { "must": [ { "range": { "@timestamp": { "from":
1411916400000, "to": 1412002800000 } } } ] } } }'

So, my question is there any way to set multiple indexes?

Please, help me. super users!!!
Thank you!!!

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