Setting https for Kibana with NGINX and a FQDN

Dear @Brandon_Kobel,
I tried changing the kibana.yml file, but it still didn't work with that initial config file on the nginx reverse proxy.
However, after more research, I've come across this post where the solution is to change the location context for kibana:

location /kibana {
                  rewrite ^/kibana/?(.*)$ /$1 break;
                  proxy_set_header Connection "";
                  proxy_intercept_errors on;
                  proxy_redirect off;
                  proxy_pass http://localhost:5601;
                  include;  #this was added by me after I saw a config generator for NGINX on the web

After I changed it, it finally worked. Regarding the include file, I found it here:

It is a super useful website which helps you generate config files for your web servers.

I think this whole time, my issue was related with nginx not being able to access kibana files due to non-root access (??)

Fortunately, now I am able to access Kibana with my domain, with full TLS encryption and valid ssl certificate.

Thank you!

PS: I did the same set-up for elasticsearch reverse proxy (with the /elastic location context) and that also works like a charm :slight_smile: