Setting the fragment_size of queries made by a Dashboard

I want fragment_size to change on only some queries (on one specific Dashboard) so changing the fragment_size in Elastic isn't viable.

Is it possible to set the fragment_size Kibana-side?

Elastic and Kibana versions are both 6.8.5.

Could you post a screenshot of your query? Complexity and purpose of dashboards can vary widely and I want to make sure I'm addressing your particular problem.

The Saved Search query I use is

    "index": "a552b6d0-90e6-11e9-89ee-dbd334a3d8aa",
    "hightlight": {
        "pre_tags": [
        "post_tags": [
        "fields": {
            "*": {}
    "fragment_size": 100

Can you share a screenshot of the dashboard you've created?

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