Setting Up Logstash In Docker-Compose For Bulk Ingest Of CSV Files In Local Machine

I found this from CSV Filter - Quote character causing _csvparsefailure - Elastic Stack / Logstash - Discuss the Elastic Stack

Mutate filter plugin | Logstash Reference [8.11] | Elastic

Here is my improvising in my use-case.

I wrote this in logstash config. "graphicelement" is where I have the \r and I replace it with nothing hence "".

input { 
    file { 
        path => "/usr/share/logstash/ats-logs-mainline/2023/01-Jan-23/formatted_events2023-01-01.csv"
        start_position => "beginning" 
    mutate {
            gsub => ["graphicelement", "\r", ""]

Oh no I need help to install my mutate filter plugin. I'm not sure how to do it I just read the readme. My use case is within docker environment.