Setup FileBeats in AZURE ACI ( Not Azure module )

I am looking for some help.
I have an elastic stack running in AZURE. I have an Application container running in ACI that logs to a fileshare. I want to move the logging to the elastic stack. I was thinking to add a filebeat container to my ACI setup and configure this container to read the log files and then sending them to the elastic stack.
All of this has to happen with an ARM template. I can get the filebeat container deployed but I can not get the configuration correctly so that it read the application log files and send them to Elastic.

Has anybody done this before and could they share the ARM template and the filebeat config so I can check what I am doing wrong?

Or am I overlooking a solution that is easier? Be aware these are application logs, not AZURE logs.


Can you post the configs? Does the filebeat container have access to the application log files?

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