I'm trying to reduce high cpu consumption in our logstash, so i decide to join several pipelines in one and run these configuration files as only one pipeline
I'm testing with only two files without filter, only input and output and i don't get any messsage in log and it is not indexing any data, could some help me to debug it?
First File: 10-input.conf
input {
http {
port => 6969
type => "http"
user => "xxxx"
password => "xxxx"
Second File: 30-output.conf
output {
elasticsearch {
hosts => ["https://x.x.x.x:9200"]
user => 'test'
password => 'xxxxx'
index => "test"
ilm_enabled => "false"
manage_template => "false"
cacert => 'xxxx'
And I'm running them as only one pipeline, if i setup these files in different pipelines, I get data in the index, but joining them into one pipeline doesn't work. any idea?