Shard Failed. Null Node

Kibana 7.14 I am getting a "no_shard_available_action_exception". It seems to be suggesting the reason is because the node is "null". Any Advice?

"took": 65,   
"timed_out": false,   
"_shards": {     
	"total": 13,     
	"successful": 12,     
	"skipped": 11,     
	"failed": 1,     
	"failures": [  {         
		"shard": 0,         
		"index": "filebeat-7.14.0-2022.03.02-000008", 
		"node": null,         
		"reason": {           
			"type": "no_shard_available_action_exception",           					
            "reason": null,           
			"index_uuid": "K4Pb-yTNSzuXx8CJE6GKFQ",           
			"shard": "0",           
			"index": "filebeat-7.14.0-2022.03.02-000008"         
		}     ]   
"hits": {     
	"total": 107,     
	"max_score": null,     
	"hits": []   },   
"aggregations": {     
	"0": {       
		"doc_count_error_upper_bound": 0,       	
		"sum_other_doc_count": 0,       
		"buckets": [         {           
			"1": {             
				"value": 107           
		"key": "event",           
		"doc_count": 107        
 }       ]     }   } }

Is the index fully allocated in your cluster?
Use _cat/allocation/filebeat-7.14.0-2022.03.02-000008?v to check.

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