Shield embedded integration tests support


I've been using elasticsearch as a local (embedded) node for my integration tests through the following code

Node node = nodeBuilder().local(true).node();
Client client = node.client();
return client;

now that Shield is on board I want to run my tests with user authorization.
how do I run my embedded ES with Shield?
currently I'm using ES 1.5.1, not planning on moving to 2.0beta yet.



When using Shield, the local transport is not supported and we recommend using a transport client to connect to the cluster. Additionally, with Shield you will need to add a user for your tests or provide some configuration around authentication such as LDAP and role mapping depending on what you would like to test.

I would suggest that your test start up a node with the appropriate settings and then you can create a transport client to connect to the node in your test. If you plan to use the esusers realm, you can pre-populate the users and users_roles files and then configure the esusers realm to use those files. Additionally, you will also need a roles.yml file with the role definitions that you wish to use and that location can be configured via the setting.