Show the diff between 2 lines in Kibana

I am using the rollup feature to rollup 2 indexes. They are defined as the following:

PUT /frontend
  "settings": {
    "number_of_shards": 5
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
          "owner": { "type": "keyword"},
          "schema": { "type": "keyword"},
          "startTime":{ "type": "date"},
          "numRecords": { "type": "integer" },
          "recordBytes":{ "type": "long" }

PUT /backend
  "settings": {
    "number_of_shards": 5
  "mappings": {
    "properties": {
          "owner": { "type": "keyword"},
          "schema": { "type": "keyword"},
          "startTime":{ "type": "date"},
          "recordsPersisted":{ "type": "integer"}

I have created 2 rollup jobs (frontend-rollup, backend-rollup), both pointing to an index called rollup. When I graph the data, I can show both the lines numRecords and recordsPersisted. I would like to graph the difference between the two lines. Since numRecords and recordsPersisted are part of different documents, but the same aggregate grouping, is this possible?

We have multiple options for you -

Time series visual builder should help here as you can use multiple indices:
or Vega -
or lens -


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