I tried the shrink API on a 30GB index and shrinked from 15 shards to 5 shards.
What I am not sure about is that this seemed to have happened instantaneously.
I checked the _cat/recovery endpoint and saw that there are ongoing tasks there, but when I was using _count or _search it looked like the count was correct and that the search found what I was looking for.
In the shrink doc it is stated: "Hard-links segments from the source index into the target index". So I thought that maybe both indices point to the same segments behind the scenes and that is maybe why it appeared very quick. Yet when I made an update to a document in the target index it was not reflected to the source index (which is what I hoped for).
Can someone explain what actually happens behind the scenes? I read here that "The shrink index API combines the existing segments without reprocessing". So there is some kind of copy-merge of the existing segments onto the new index (which was apparantely not complete as i saw in the _cat/recovery). Just wondering how come the _count, _search, _update were already working for the new index while the process was still ongoing?
And one more question: here it is mentioned that "Once it's all done, you probably want to remove the original index". What happens if you delete the older index while _cat/recovery still shows progress? Is Elasticsearch smart enough NOT to delete the source index segments while shrinking is still ongoing?