Significant terms aggregation percentage parameter not working

I've tried passing the "percentage": {} parameter in all logical places within my aggregation query. The significant terms aggregation alone works fine, but when I add the percentage parameter (or any other for that matter) it keeps throwing parsing errors. I can't seem to find any examples of this online, and the documentation (pasted below) leaves lots to the imagination. Does anyone have experience with this?


It'd be easier if you can paste what you have :slight_smile:

As a parameter to the significant_terms aggregation it should sit alongside all the other parameters at the same level as "field", "size" etc
"Percentage" is a recently-added heuristic so you may need to check the elasticsearch version.
A scripted heuristic can be used to do the simple calculation if you are on an older version.

Where would the parameter go in this example?

"aggregations": {
"filtered_agg": {
"filter": {"and": [{"term": {"advertisementInformation.isForSale":
true}}, {"exists": {"field": "productDetails"}}]},
"aggregations": {
"stock_type_agg": {
"significant_terms": {
"field": "advertisementInformation.stockType",
"size": 0