Simple filter of value against range-type field

It's nice to see that there is now a "range" data type:

The example only shows how to do a range query against a range field.
Is there a way to do a simple term query against a range field?
i.e. a way to find documents for which a specified value falls within the range?

I was hoping that I could do this, but it does not work:


PUT /foo
  "mappings": {
    "foo": {
      "properties": {
        "myrange": {"type": "integer_range"}

POST /foo/foo
  "myrange": {
    "gte": 10,
    "lte": 20

POST /foo/foo
  "myrange": {
    "gte": 20,
    "lte": 30

GET /foo/foo/_search
  "query": {
    "term": {
      "myrange": {
        "value": 15

The query fails with:

Field [myrange] of type [integer_range] does not support range queries

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I believe what you're attempting to do worked in previous versions and broke in 5.5.0.

Until recently I could do:

{"query": {"terms": {"myrange": [72058095486370049, 72058095486370203]}}}

With mappings:

"myrange" : { "type" : "long_range" },

But in 5.5.0 I get:

  "caused_by" : {
    "type" : "illegal_argument_exception",
    "reason" : "Field [myrange] of type [long_range] does not support range queries"
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I verified this also does not work in 5.4.3 but does work in 5.2.2.

This also works in 5.3.0.

I'm currently guessing it changed with this commit:

And related to Lucene changes with:

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We pushed a fix.

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