Simple search with wildcard not working

I am new to elastic and planning to migrate my application from algolia to elastic cloud.

I created an index called products where I added this data

  "dname": "mysore soap",
  "price": "150",
  "some": {
    "id": "mysore sandal"

When I tried search with payload

  "query": {
    "wildcard": {
      "": {
        "value": "mys*"

It worked.

Now, Data is

    "objectID": "005klrWVvNX0RwxxX78O",
    "dn": "Root Vegetables Beetroot",
    "v": {
        "Beetroot 500 g": {
            "p": 22,
            "m": 27.5,
            "o": 0,
            "a": true,
            "mq": 30,
            "g": 0,
            "v": "500"
    "u": [
    "mq": 30,
    "b": "Fresho",
    "a": true

and wildcard search payload is

  "query": {
    "wildcard": {
      "dn": {
        "value": "Root*"

its not returning any result. I checked the index and it has this exact data.
Please let me know what I am doing wrong here? I checked the mapping for index, and its searching field is of type text only.

You've already got a topic here - Elastic simple query with wildcard - so let's continue the conversation there :slight_smile: