Simultaneous scroll requests over same index


I have use case where-in two different processes end up doing scroll query to extract all data from same Elasticsearch index simultaneously and this seem to cause one (or both) of them to fail with below error;

search_context_missing_exception : No search context found for id [39029]

Is this supported - multiple simultaneous scroll requests against same index ?

If not, is there a way to find out if any scroll requests for that index are currently running ? -- from here looks like I can only get if there are any search contexts open but can't figure out for which index the search / scroll context is open for.

Any ideas, clues or suggestions around this pls. ?

Not with the same ID, no.

Thanks for confirming that Mark - will that be supported in future though ? Shouldn't 2 or more snapshots of same index at a point in time be supported pls. ?

And as of today (in ES 2.1.0) is there a way to find out if scroll requests for a given index are currently running ?

-- from here looks like one can only get if there are any search contexts open but can't find out for which index (what id) the search / scroll context is open for. Is this also not supported currently pls. ?

But then how do you ensure consistency?

Feel free to raise a feature request though, never say never :wink: