Single-value metrics aggregations

Hi Elastic,

I want to learn how Elasticsearch does the simplest single-value metrics aggregation (count, sum, avg, max, min) on large data. Does each shard aggregate first and the final node aggregates the shard-level aggregates? Or each shard sends all matched documents to one node and the node does aggregation? If there is link to the code, I can also read that. Thank you!

Here is an example query.

    'aggs' : {
        'ok_rate' : {
            'avg' : {
                'script' : {
                    'source' : 'doc.status.value == 200 ? 1 : 0'
    'query': {
        'bool' : {
            'filter' : [{
                'range' : {
                    '@timestamp' : {
                        'gte' : time,
                        'lte' : time,
                        'format' : 'epoch_second'
    "size" : 0

Hi cecoke,

No, that's not a scalable approach. Each shard returns interim aggregation state which is merged by a coordinating node to produce the final result. Example interim state for average is here:

Thank you so much for your help, Mark!


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