Slack with logstash and elastalert

I have an ELK stack with a hook to slack

The logstash filter is the following

  if [message] =~ "Reallocated_Sector_Count" or [message] =~ "Reallocated_Sector_Ct"
    or [message] =~ "Reported_Uncorrectable_Errors" or [message] =~ "Reported_Uncorrect"
    or [message] =~ "Command_Timeout"
    or [message] =~ "Current_Pending_Sector_Count" or [message] =~ "Current_Pending_Sector"
    or [message] =~ "Offline_Uncorrectable" {

    # SMART 5 - Reallocated_Sector_Count / Reallocated_Sector_Ct
    # SMART 187 - Reported_Uncorrectable_Errors / Reported_Uncorrect
    # SMART 188 - Command_Timeout
    # SMART 197 - Current_Pending_Sector_Count / Current_Pending_Sector
    # SMART 198 - Offline_Uncorrectable

      replace => { "log_level" => "WARNING" }

and in elastalert I have

  - query_string:
      query: "log_level:CRIT OR log_level: CRITICAL OR log_level:WARN OR log_level: WARNING OR log_level: ERROR OR log_level: FATAL"

  - "slack"
  - "command"
command: "curl -s -H 'content-type: application/json' -XPOST 'http://logstash:8080/' -d '{ \"@timestamp\": \"%(@timestamp)s\", \"host\": \"%(host)s\", \"container_name\": \"%(container_name)s\", \"log_level\": \"%(log_level)s\", \"message\": \"%(message)s\" }' > /dev/null"

alert_text: "{0} -- {1} -- {2} -- {3} -- {4}"
alert_text_args: ["@timestamp", "host", "container_name", "log_level", "message"]
alert_text_type: alert_text_only

slack_webhook_url: something
slack_channel_override: "somechanel"
slack_emoji_override: "space_invader"
slack_username_override: "Log - Alerts (ELK)"

I then do

echo "20171129 THIS IS MY OWN TEST for Reallocated_Sector_Count" >> /var/log/syslog
echo "20171129 THIS IS MY OWN TEST for Reported_Uncorrectable_Errors" >> /var/log/syslog
echo "20171129 THIS IS MY OWN TEST for Current_Pending_Sector_Count" >> /var/log/syslog
echo "20171129 THIS IS MY OWN TEST for Offline_Uncorrectable" >> /var/log/syslog
...and a few more

this all hits the syslog fine and I can also see it in kibana, but slack just shows randomly 1-3 of those messages sent. Any ideas what it could be?

What are logs showing? Debug logging?

Do you have any specific logs in mind?

Logstash, Elast* logs?

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