SLM not starting

good morning, I'm trying to configure my slm policies to automatically snapshot in my nfs repository of a NetApp storage, but I'm not able to activate the policy because it says that my _slm index was not started...

Any tips on what I can do?

my elastic version is 7.10


"error": {

    "root_cause": [


            "type": "invalid_index_name_exception",

            "reason": "Invalid index name [_slm], must not start with '_', '-', or '+'",

            "index_uuid": "_na_",

            "index": "_slm"



    "type": "invalid_index_name_exception",

    "reason": "Invalid index name [_slm], must not start with '_', '-', or '+'",

    "index_uuid": "_na_",

    "index": "_slm"


"status": 400


Can you verify tat you are using the default distribution and not the OSS one? SLM is only available in the default distribution.

i'm using oss version

"cluster_name": "elastic",

"cluster_uuid": "XhksVZ4DRoiHCCrDSLvW0A",

"version": {

    "number": "7.10.2",

    "build_flavor": "oss",

any suggestion to migrate for default version?

I guess it depends on how you installed it. I would recommend looking at the docs and search the forum as it has been asked before.

Ok, another question

I need to install version 7.10.x due to compatibility.

in the repository below only version 7.15 is available, I didn't find in the documentation another repository with the old versions.

can you inform if it exists?

7.15 is compatible with 7.10. You can use an old 7.10 client with 7.15 server.

What compatibility requires Elasticsearch 7.10.x?

I'm building the Graylog cluster and the documentation says no version above 7.10.x is recommended

There are links to old versions on the download pages so you should be able to find it. I know nothing about Graylog and its dependencies however...

Ok guys thanks for your help, I downloaded and installed it through the .deb

get /_slm/status

"operation_mode": "RUNNING"


Best Regards

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