Slow Query Performance

Hello, I'm having some trouble getting some queries to perform well.


9,000,000 places with lat/lon
AWS EC2 m1.large instance
bootstrap.mlockall: true
ulimit -l unlimited

Using a geodistance filter, it takes 9 seconds and change consistently
to return a result set. It did this before upping the default memory
allocation too. How can I make this faster?

Thanks for the help,
Brian Seagraves

First, make sure you execute it several times before you start to analyzer the response time.

What is the query that you execute? Is it a match all on all the docs and filter by distance? The computation (by default) is quite CPU intensive, since the values are loaded into memory and then a bbox is computed to be checked, and then the distance is calculated. You have several options to make it faster:

  1. Use a different distance calculation (Elasticsearch Platform — Find real-time answers at scale | Elastic, under options, setting distance_type to plane).
  2. Use optimize_bbox set to indexed (the default is memory). For that though, you will need to enable specific lat lon indexing in the geo_type mapping (and reindex).
  3. Have a stronger machine / more machines with a bit more CPUs than the AWS large instance which is as strong as a laptop I had 5 years ago, and thats not without noisy neighbors.

On Wednesday, February 1, 2012 at 3:07 AM, Brian Seagraves wrote:

Hello, I'm having some trouble getting some queries to perform well.


9,000,000 places with lat/lon
AWS EC2 m1.large instance
bootstrap.mlockall: true
ulimit -l unlimited

Using a geodistance filter, it takes 9 seconds and change consistently
to return a result set. It did this before upping the default memory
allocation too. How can I make this faster?

Thanks for the help,
Brian Seagraves