Dear All,
- We have documents in below format , the number of documents is more than 5 million.
{"_index":"Testinlive","_type":"_doc","_id":"vxYmiHgBWrQelERu5MPg","_score":1.0,"_source":{"GID":"433444","aLIASES":"Kishor,Askey Barrie;Kumar,Gaurav Joohn","aliasesList":["Kishor,Askey Barrie","Kumar,Gaurav Joohn"],"cATEGORY":"Financial CRIME","dOB":"1978/10/05","pLACEOFBIRTH":"","pASSPORTS":"","sSN":"","cOUNTRIES":"INDIA","eI":"M","kEYWORDS":"METPOL","keywordList":["METPOL"],"fullName":"Ashley kISHOR"}},]
- we are using below query , the problems quiet slow in order o search one name it takes some time 18 seconds. Pls let me know the solution for the same.
var searchResponse = _clientService.Search(s =>
.Query(q =>
q.Bool(pp =>
pp.Must(qq =>
qq.Match(cc => cc.Field(ff => ff.KeywordList).Query(model.Keywords)) && (
qq.Match(x => x.Field(x0 => x0.FullName).Query(model.Name).Fuzziness(Fuzziness.Auto)) ||
qq.Match(p2 => p2.Field(fq2 => fq2.ALIASES.Replace(',', ' ').Replace(';', ' ').Replace('-', ' ')).Query(model.Name)) ||
qq.Match(p2 => p2.Field(fq2 => fq2.ALTERNATIVESPELLING.Replace(',', ' ').Replace(';', ' ')).Query(model.Name)) ||
qq.MatchPhrasePrefix(p2 => p2.Field(fq2 => fq2.COUNTRIES).Query(model.Country)) ||
qq.MatchPhrasePrefix(ma => ma.Field(fi => fi.DOB).Query(model.DOB)) ||
qq.MatchPhrasePrefix(p4 => p4.Field(fq4 => fq4.PLACEOFBIRTH).Query(model.CountryofBirth)) ||
qq.MatchPhrasePrefix(p5 => p5.Field(fq5 => fq5.PASSPORTS).Query(model.Id)))
.Sort(sort => sort.Descending(SortSpecialField.Score))
How to find the score of individual aliasesList values for the given name value.
for example if i given Kishore Kumar name in what the score of matching for "Kishor,Askey Barrie" and "Kumar,Gaurav Joohn" So that whichever score is more we will show the same in the explanation. -
Note that we are using free version of Elasticsearch version 7.0.0. , Do we need to upgrade for better performance?please guide.
Kind Regards