Slurm Forwarding Error (anonymous user)

Hello all.

I am trying to set up a log forwarder from SLURM to elasticsearch using this guide I have already run into a few snags.

My Elasticsearch is encrypted using the xpack certificate and I found that the SLURM forwarder I am using cannot allow for an https connection. So I found this workaround: that uses an anonymous user on elasticsearch to receive and index the data.

However, my SLURM forwarder is giving me the following error:
[2020-07-01T10:17:32.622] jobcomp/elasticsearch: Could not connect to: , reason: Server returned nothing (no headers, no data)

I have attempted to trace the network connection through the elastic stack, but have only been able to confirm that the API port is receiving traffic from the SLURM forwarder, but I don't know what it is doing with it.

Any advice would be appreciated.

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