Snapshot issue

Hi team,

unable to take snapshot of elasticsearch while i am taking snapshot it save with .dat format. i am using nfs storage for repo can you please help me on this issue.

thanks in advance

Any error?

no i am not get any error while taking snapshot but after complete snapshot backup file save with .dat format can you please help me. i am using nfs storage for this @dadoonet

hi All,

it save like this format

-rw-r--r-- 1 elasticsearch elasticsearch 122 Jan 9 14:26 meta-snapshot_2w2s2.dat
-rw-r--r-- 1 elasticsearch elasticsearch 176 Jan 9 14:26 snap-snapshot_2w2s2.dat

please help me on this issue

And what is wrong with that?


i unable to restore .dat file format can please help on this to how to restore .dat snapshot

To restore, you need to use elasticsearch API. The same you used to backup your data.

Hi dadoonet,

do you have idea about this error.

"reason": "IndexShardSnapshotFailedException[Failed to snapshot]; nested: ElasticsearchException[failed to create blob container]; nested: AccessDeniedException[/opt/nfsstorage/indices/CaJzfuDWTqql1OK9nRA7XA/1];

i am getting this error while i will take an snapshot

please help me on this

"error": {
"root_cause": [
"type": "repository_verification_exception",
"reason": "[es4_backup] [[SiVtYos-Qo-LRlL9UItz8A, 'RemoteTransportException[[tmz-mc2][][internal:admin/repository/verify]]; nested: RepositoryVerificationException[[es4_backup] store location [/opt/nfsstorage] is not accessible on the node [{tmz-mc2}{SiVtYos-Qo-LRlL9UItz8A}{DNKSF50UQke0xzuHwqgILg}{}{}]]; nested: AccessDeniedException[/opt/nfsstorage/tests-cIvTtcNSSrm1RuY2oTYkYg/data-SiVtYos-Qo-LRlL9UItz8A.dat];']]"
"type": "repository_verification_exception",
"reason": "[es4_backup] [[SiVtYos-Qo-LRlL9UItz8A, 'RemoteTransportException[[tmz-mc2][][internal:admin/repository/verify]]; nested: RepositoryVerificationException[[es4_backup] store location [/opt/nfsstorage] is not accessible on the node [{tmz-mc2}{SiVtYos-Qo-LRlL9UItz8A}{DNKSF50UQke0xzuHwqgILg}{}{}]]; nested: AccessDeniedException[/opt/nfsstorage/tests-cIvTtcNSSrm1RuY2oTYkYg/data-SiVtYos-Qo-LRlL9UItz8A.dat];']]"
"status": 500

Please help me on this issue i am stuck on this #dadoonet

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