Snapshot retention with GCS repository

So I'm setting up snapshots and will be use GCS as my repository. I'd like to use the build in retention settings in GCS to automatically remove old snapshot data, instead of managing the rotation (removal) of old snapshots on my own (not using the SLM stuff as no x-pack).

Will GCS removing old snapshot objects out-from-under the repository cause issues? Would running the _cleanup prior to a new snapshot be enough to deal w/ old metadata?

Yes, it will render your repository completely unreadable. Where possible snapshots re-use objects from previous snapshots to save space and time. This means recent snapshots may still require access to older objects.

SLM is included the basic X-pack installation which costs nothing, I recommend you use that. Alternatively you will need to automate the deletion of older snapshots (via the snapshot API) yourself.

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