Snapshot with datetime in elasticsearch

How to snapshot from a specific datetime. Is there any query to filter based on datetime.

Snapshots are created for entire indices, so it is not possible to snapshot part of an index.

Hi Christian_Dahlqvist,

Thanks for the reply

We have tried to export the index data using the Knapsack plugin. But was unable to import.

Is there any other method to export and import index data based on datetime.

What is the use-case? What is the requirement behind exporting parts of an index based on datetime?

Requirement is to get the backup on the day to day basis as in our case we are planning to continuously log to the elastic search index. So the size may exceed I guess. And also what is the maximum size for the elastic search index.

Requirement is to get the backup on the day to day basis as in our case we are planning to continuously log to the Elasticsearch index.

Have you looked into using time-series indexes?

So the size may exceed I guess. And also what is the maximum size for the Elasticsearch index.

I doubt there is a size limit for indexes, but each shard can't contain more than two billion documents.