SNMP - loss of data when sending information from logstash to elasticsearch

Hello everyone,

I have installed ELK, one server ELASTICSEARCH, 3 servers (collectors) that have installed LOGSTASH and ELASTIFLOW and each one is in 3 branches. In a branch there is a server where logstash is installed and it is collecting SNMP information and then send to ELASTICSEARCH MASTER. All that information shows me through the Kibana Dhasboard, my question is:

Why in kibana I have a minute loss along the whole timestap?

these is my config logstash input:

input {
** snmp {**
** walk => ["", "", ""]**
** # get => ["", ""]**
# walk => [""]
** hosts => [{host => "udp:x.x.x.x/161" community => "public"}]**
** mib_paths => ["/etc/logstash/mibs/"]**
** add_field => {host => "%{[@metadata][host_protocol]}:%{[@metadata][host_address]}/%{[@metadata][host_port]},%{[@metadata][host_community]}"}**
** }**

and these is my output:

output {
** elasticsearch {**
** id => "output_elasticsearch_single"**
** document_type => "elasticsearch"**
** hosts => ["http://y.y.y.y:9200"]**
# index => "{%[@metadata][snmp]}-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"
** index => "snmp-cisco-%{+YYYY.MM.dd}"**
** }**

According to me, the logstash log does not show me any error:

Help!! a new on ELK.


This is not 1 minute "missing" but rather it is 30 seconds. You need to set the polling interval in the SNMP plugin to tell it how long between walk intervals.

Hello Eniqmatic, well if you're right, deafult the polling intervals is 30 seconds as it says here:

so I added the interval => 0 line in the logstash.yml configuration and with that I already have a single timeline without jumps.

Logstash input:

input {
snmp {
walk => ["", "", ""]
get => ["", ""]
hosts => [{host => "udp:x.x.x.x/161" community => "public"}]

mib_paths => ["/etc/logstash/mibs/"]
oid_root_skip => 5
**interval => 0**
add_field => {host => "%{[@metadata][host_protocol]}:%{[@metadata][host_address]}/%{[@metadata][host_port]},%{[@metadata][host_community]}"}



Thank Eniqmatic!!

Good news! Please mark as solved!

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