Snmptrap plugin is not decoding a specific field and rest of them are decoded

I am using snmp plugin in logstash for getting snmp trap alarms.

The plugin is not decoding the trap name but the field is getting decoded as shown below:

              "SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0" => "BroadworksFault::systemFaults.8901",

But while using the head command on the MIB file I can find it decoded correctly as shown below:

ubuntu@prod-platform:/usr/share/logstash/vendor/bundle/jruby/1.9/gems/snmp-1.2.0/data/ruby/snmp/mibs$ head BW-ExecutionDatalessFault.yaml
systemFaults: '0.1'
bwPMExecutionDatalessServerLaunched: 0.1.8901
bwPMExecutionDatalessServerShutDown: 0.1.8902
bwPMExecutionDatalessServerRestarted: 0.1.8903
bwPMExecutionDatalessServerDeath: 0.1.8904
bwDXSSipAuthenticationFailure: 0.1.8905
bwDXSAclViolation: 0.1.8906
bwDXSIMSRetrieveMessageError: 0.1.8907
bwDXSIMSRetrieveMailBoxInfoError: 0.1.8908

8901 is not getting decoded to "bwPMExecutionDatalessServerLaunched" as shown in the output.

Could any one please help me on this.


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