Snowball analyser - custom stemmer

I want to use custom snowball analyser (for Slovenian language). I
found a working .sbl (snowball stemmer) file and build java class
using snowball, have tested it and it works. Snowball files are
included in lucene-analyzers-*.jar file (with elasticsearch), how can
I use this file with elasticsearch?

I would appreciate any info. 10x

So I can define:

slovenian analyzer

type: snowball
language: Slovenian

On Sep 24, 12:40 am, mitja wrote:

I want to use custom snowball analyser (for Slovenian language). I
found a working .sbl (snowball stemmer) file and build java class
using snowball, have tested it and it works. Snowball files are
included in lucene-analyzers-*.jar file (with elasticsearch), how can
I use this file with elasticsearch?

I would appreciate any info. 10x

i also have a sbl file but I don't know how to convert it to java file and them to jar. Could you please explain me how you did ?
