[solved] Elasticsearch 1.6.0 vs plugins

Rebuilt 2 nodes on my cluster last week with ES 1.6 (RPM), but the plugins failed to install. I stopped upgrading the whole cluster at this point until l can get the nodes all working with their plugins.

Has something changed to prevent plugins installing via:

/usr/share/elasticsearch/bin/plugin --install kopf --url http://$MYHTTPSERVER/pub/elasticsearch-kopf-master.zip

I get the results:

/etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch: line27: Set: command not found
/etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch: line70: syntax error near unexpected token `in'
/etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch: line70: ` in elasticsearch.yml (ES_HEAP_SIZE  must also be set).'
Unable to source environment file: /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch

the same errors show for the 3 plugins that I install.



Bit more research and I realised that my sed lines to configure /etc/sysconfig/elasticsearch to my preferred settings were changing more lines than I expected.

Standard contents of this file look to have changed a bit, so my scritped edits were doing a bit more work than they used to.

Scripts changed now and plugins install properly.
