[Solved] Error Building RPM Against 2.0 Branch

I am not very familiar with maven so any help is appreciated. I am seeing the following when I run the command

mvn package rpm:rpm -DskipTests -Dvalidate.skip

org.apache.maven.lifecycle.LifecycleExecutionException: Failed to execute goal org.codehaus.mojo:rpm-maven-plugin:2.1.3:rpm (default-cli) on project dev-tools: The parameters 'group' for goal org.codehaus.mojo:rpm-maven-plugin:2.1.3:rpm are missing or invalid

I am not entirely certain what I need to change about the pom file under dev-tools to get this to work. Any help is appreciated.

This is strange because group is actually set here.

Try to build it from the project root dir using mvn clean install -DskipTests and see how it goes...

Well this reveals how little I know about java and maven.

Building from the root of the project fails, but if I go into the distribution/rpm directory and issue the command

mvn package rpm:rpm -DskipTests

then it succeeds. Briefly, is that expected? Is there any pattern to this? It feels like I should be able to issue any command from the root, but this looks otherwise. Any explanations are appreciated.

Did you run the exact same command from the root or mvn install?

mvn install should work from the root.

Also prefer mvn install (install is a lifecycle phase) than mvn rpm:rpm (rpm:rpm is a plugin name:goal).

That does in fact build it. Thanks for your time and patience.