SOLVED - Logstash-output-kafka JDBC Results

Hi All,

I have a logstash config that connects to a JDBC connection and I want to output to a Kafka Cluster. I am able to connect fine , I am also seeing messages expect they look like the below rather than my actual message.

2017-11-30T19:23:54.639Z %{host} %{message}

However, if i configure it to read from a csv file instead of example messages show correctly. See example:
2017-11-30T19:49:35.827Z MB-C02TF1QUGTFM 4,5
2017-11-30T19:49:35.827Z MB-C02TF1QUGTFM 3,4
2017-11-30T19:49:35.826Z MB-C02TF1QUGTFM 2,3
2017-11-30T19:49:35.826Z MB-C02TF1QUGTFM 1,2
2017-11-30T19:49:35.828Z MB-C02TF1QUGTFM 7,8
2017-11-30T19:49:35.828Z MB-C02TF1QUGTFM 5,6

Below is my config for CSV:

input {
	file {
		path => "example.csv"

filter {
	csv {
		autodetect_column_names => "true"

output {

	stdout { codec => rubydebug }

    kafka {
        topic_id => "media"
        bootstrap_servers => ""

Below is my JDBC Configuration. Any ideas?

input {
	jdbc {
    	jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:mysql://db:3306/db"
		jdbc_user => "user"
		jdbc_password => "password"
		jdbc_driver_library => "/opt/logstash-5.3.0/bin/mysql-connector-java-5.1.42-bin.jar"
		jdbc_driver_class => "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"

		statement => "select * from table"

filter {
	csv {
		autodetect_column_names => "true"

output {

	stdout { codec => rubydebug }

    kafka {
        topic_id => "media"
        bootstrap_servers => ""

Thank you!

Solved - answer found on stackoverflow:

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