Sort by date not working

I have a nested date field like this:

    "nestedField": {
        "type": "nested",
        "properties": {
             "sellableDate": {
                 "properties": {
                     "US": {
                         "type": "date",
                         "format": "MM/dd/yyy"

when I try to sort using:

    "sort": {
        "nestedField.sellableDate.US": {
            "order": "desc"

it doesn't work. The five results are sorted like this:

"sellableDate": { "US": "06/28/2017"}
"sellableDate": { "US": "06/28/2017"}
"sellableDate": { "US": "01/01/2001"}
"sellableDate": { "US": "06/28/2017"}
"sellableDate": { "US": "06/28/2017"}

The third results is odd. It's like it didn't applied any sorting at all. Even if I change the order of sorting, it does nothing.

EDIT: If I move this property at top level (not inside nested) it works. Any idea why this happens?

May be this could help:

Yes, it helps.

I was missing the "nested_path" clause. That did the job.

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