Sort by price and stock


I have a catalog of products and i'm need to sort the result by price and stock. The products with stock equal 0 need to be in end of result but need to be ordered by price.

Product1 -> 150,00 -> 10
Product2 -> 140,00 -> 12
Product3 -> 135,00 -> 10
Product4 -> 160,00 -> 0
Product5 -> 150,00 -> 0
Product6 -> 140,00 -> 0

The query i'm using is this:

	"from": 0,
	"size": "12",
	"query": {
		"boosting": {
			"positive": {
				"filtered": {
					"query": {
						"bool": {
							"must": [{
								"bool": {
									"should": [{"all queries here"}]
					"filter": {
						"bool": {
							"some": "filters"
			"negative": {
				"match": {
					"stock_total": 0
			"negative_boost": 0
	"aggs": {
		"some": "aggregations"
	"sort": [
		{"price_facet": {"order": "desc" } }, 
		{"stock_total": {"order": "desc"} },
        {"_score": {"order": "desc"} } 
	"track_scores": true

You can first sort on a script field if the stock price is equal to zero.
You can also create such a field ahead of time, so that you can have better
performance at the cost of index room.

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