Sort multiple dynamic fields

Need to sort the a search result. Sorting to be done on multiple fields which are passed dynamically.

My Search query is as below.
searchResult = _client.Search(x => x
.Query(p => +_commandFields.Query)

I have List<Nest.Sort> list which are the sortable fields.
List lstsort = new List();
lstsort.Add( new SortField { Field = "field1", Order = SortOrder.Descending });
lstsort.Add( new SortField { Field = "field2", Order = SortOrder.Descending });
lstsort.Add( new SortField { Field = "field3", Order = SortOrder.Descending });
the above three fields (field1, field2, field3) are dynamic.

How to add this in the search request so that searchResult is in the sorted order.

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