Sorting Result For Text is not proper

Hi All,

I am using Nest Library for elastic search in my .net core project.
I am facing problem in sorting of result.
the sorted result returned from elasticSearch is not properly sorted.
I am also using paging.

below is the search query :slight_smile:

var searchRequest = new SearchRequest(indexName)
Size = pageSize,
From = ((pageIndex - 1) * pageSize),
Query = new MatchAllQuery(),
Sort = new List { new FieldSort { Field = "93.keyword", Order = sortOrder }, }


            var searchResponse = await _client.SearchAsync<dynamic>(searchRequest);

            return searchResponse; 

Note : Field = "93.keyword" is text field

And the mapping are as follows :

"93": {
"type": "text",
"fields": {
"keyword": {
"type": "keyword",
"ignore_above": 256

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