Sorting @timestamp while exporting from elasticsearch and writing into csv

Problem Statement: To export the logs from elasticsearch and write into csv in timewise order(either increasing or decreasing)

Solution: I am using logstash , configuration is given below,

input {
 elasticsearch {
    hosts => "localhost:9200"
    index => "mergnginxinfo"
	schedule => "*/1 * * * *"
    query => '
	    "query": {
			"bool": {
				"must": [
					  "match_all": {}
					  "exists": {
						"field": ""
					} ,
							"gte": "now-4m", 
							"lte": "now-3m"
	  "sort": [
					"@timestamp": {
					 "order": "asc"

output {
  csv {
    # elastic field name
    fields =>  ["@timestamp","requestid","ngnix.cpu.usage","ngnix.responsebytes","","","ngnix.transaction.duration","ngnix.urlpath","ngnix.Error_ID","ngnix.Exception","ngnix.ipaddress","ngnix.useragent","","app1.firstname","app1.lastname","app1.cpu.usage","","","app1.responsecode","","","app1.methodname","app1.http.Port","","app1.error.exception.type","app1.transaction.result","app1.uripath","","app2.firstname","app2.lastname","app2.cpu.usage","","","app2.methodname","app2.responsecode","","app2.error.exception.type","","app2.http.Port","","app2.transaction.result","app2.uripath"]
    # This is path where we store output.   
    path => "C:/Users/M1056317/ELK/csv/try2/csv-export-%{}.txt"

Problem: I am not getting the timestamp in particular order, I checked the same with GET API, it is coming fine there but not in csv file. Seems like there is some issue while writing.

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