Source Filtering does not return empty Array if no nested properties are found

Hi All,
I am a user of Elasticsearch version 1.7 and i realize that its high time to upgrade :stuck_out_tongue: (better late than never :smile: ).
However, Elasticsearch 5.X on-wards i noticed a breaking change which is giving me a hard time doing a smooth upgrade. Starting from version 5.X ES totally skips an Array if no nested element is found, while ES 1.7 used to give a empty array [ ]. The same behavior is explained in example below,

Consider the following document,

        "array": [
                 "name": "abc"

If we have a simple query where _source:["array.title"], then
ES 1.7 returns

        { "array": [] }

While ES 5.X + returns.

        { }

Consider the following scenario.

POST /test/_doc/1

POST /test/_doc/2
        "array":[ { "exclude":"bar" } ],
        "object":{ "exclude":"bar" }

POST /test/_doc/3
    "field" : "value",
    "array": [{ "exclude": "bar"}, {"include" : "bar"}],
    "object": { "exclude": "bar", "include" : "bar" }

POST /test/_search?pretty
    "_source": {"includes": ["name","object.include","array.include"] }


Shouldn't the first 2 results include empty Arrays/Objects as well ? Not including them creates a bigger problem for nested scenario as shown below,

PUT /test1

POST /test1/_doc/1

POST /test1/_doc/_search


In above response Innher_hits is giving Users[2].Address[0] as a match for condition country= "country2". However, in the _source object Users[2] appears at index 1 of Users Array. This creates reliability concerns for offset attribute. For elastic-search versions prior to 5.X, we used to get empty [ ] if no nested attribute was found and offsets could be reliably used to pull data from _source object.

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