elasticsearch version: 7.3.1
I had an index of size 107GB with a single shard (replicas: 0, primary shards: 1). Since it was too large and messing up the load distribution (based on disk), I decided to use split-api to split it into 10 shards. I used the following query to do that:
POST /my_source_index/_split/my_target_index
"settings": {
"index.number_of_shards": 10
The split itself was faster and initially all shards were shown to have 107GB size (in /_cat/shards?v) but afterwards, as expected, most of them had around 10GB size except for two shards:
my_logs-000009-split 1 p STARTED 106914 107.9gb xx.xx.xx.73 node03
my_logs-000009-split 5 p STARTED 107611 10.8gb xx.xx.xx.73 node03
my_logs-000009-split 9 p STARTED 107303 10.8gb xx.xx.xx.71 node01
my_logs-000009-split 7 p STARTED 107258 10.7gb xx.xx.xx.68 node05
my_logs-000009-split 3 p STARTED 106939 10.5gb xx.xx.xx.68 node05
my_logs-000009-split 8 p STARTED 107859 11gb xx.xx.xx.71 node01
my_logs-000009-split 4 p STARTED 107100 10.8gb xx.xx.xx.62 node04
my_logs-000009-split 2 p STARTED 107056 11.1gb xx.xx.xx.72 node02
my_logs-000009-split 6 p STARTED 107179 10.9gb xx.xx.xx.72 node02
my_logs-000009-split 0 p STARTED 106868 107.9gb xx.xx.xx.62 node04
As you can see shard 0 and 1 still show 107GB size even after 24 hrs! Why is this behavior?
And also, I see original index, that is, my_logs-000009
is still around. Doesn't split api delete it after splitting?