Split data into multiple indices automatically on insert

Hi guys,

what I like to do is that when I insert my data which has a timestamp field, my data is automatically should be splitted across weekly indices and if it's necessary, a new index with pre-defined mapping should be created.

Is there a way to do that whith ES config or I have to do it in business logic outside elasticsearch?

If you use multiple node in server, elasticsearch automatically split, you only configure same cluster_name

Thanks for your reply. Maybe you misunderstood me.

Lets say I have data from 2016.01.01 to 2016.01.20.
When I start to insert my data I want that ES creates an index named mytype-20160101 and it stores all the data where the timestamp field is less than 2016.01.08. 00:00:00.
Next, it should create a new index named mytype-20160108 and it stores all the data where the timestamp field is between 2016.01.08 00:00:00 and 2016.01.15 00:00:00
... and so on.

If I use logstash for inserting data, can I achieve this?

When I start to insert my data I want that ES creates an index named mytype-20160101 and it stores all the data where the timestamp field is less than 2016.01.08. 00:00:00.

ES won't do this automatically. You have to tell it which index to store a new document.

If I use logstash for inserting data, can I achieve this?


Thanks for your reply Magnus. I'm trying to import my data with logstash, and I'm trying to import my data into monthly created indexes. I have a date field called createDate and thats what I want to use.

Here's my config:

input {
    jdbc {        
        jdbc_connection_string => "jdbc:mysql://localhost:3306/mydb"        
        jdbc_user => "user"
		jdbc_password => "pass"        
        jdbc_driver_library => "mysql-connector-java-5.1.38-bin.jar"        
        jdbc_driver_class => "com.mysql.jdbc.Driver"
		jdbc_paging_enabled => "true"
		jdbc_page_size => "2"
        # just for testing
        statement => "SELECT * FROM mytable skip 0 limit 10"

output {
    elasticsearch {
		hosts => ["localhost:9200"]		
		# here's the trick...
		index => "my-index-{myformatteddate}"
		document_type => "mydoc"

What filter should I apply and how, to create a new field myformatteddate which contains the year and month of the createDate?

One typically uses the date filter to parse date strings and convert them to ISO8601 format in UTC. Then you can use the %{+YYYY.MM.dd} notation in the index name to have Logstash insert the date from the @timestamp field into the index name. Exactly what the date filter should look like depends on what the createDate field looks like. I haven't used the jdbc input so I'm not sure what happens with date fields. Use a stdout { codec => rubydebug } until you get what you want. Don't jump into Elasticsearch prematurely.