Split range of dates

Can I split from

No.    date           start                end          detail
 1   7/12/2018  7/12/2018  09:00    9/12/2018 14:00   Same detail


No.    date           start                end          detail
 1   7/12/2018  7/12/2018  09:00    7/12/2018 23:59   Same detail
 2   8/12/2018  8/12/2018  00:00    8/12/2018 23:59   Same detail
 3   9/12/2018  9/12/2018  00:00    9/12/2018 14:00   Same detail

data from csv file.
Elastic version: 6.2.4

Sure, if you write the code yourself in a ruby filter. There's no stock filter that does exactly this.

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