Split series by object keys


I do not use kibana that often, therefore sorry in advance for me stupid question.

I am analyzing logs from an application. These logs sometimes contains profiler information, structure like this.

    "logLevel": "Information",
    "profiler": {
      "MethodA": {
        "elapsedMsAvg": 1183,
        "count": 1,
        "elapsedMsTotal": 1183
      "MethodB": {
        "elapsedMsAvg": 1183,
        "count": 1,
        "elapsedMsTotal": 1183

is it possible to create a line chart based on the keys / method names?

Right now I have created the different series manually, but it is a boring task and you can easily forget a method.

If not, can I provide the output in a different format?


Hey, to do so, you would have to split up your documents like this:

    "logLevel": "Information",
    "profiler": {
      "methodName: "MethodA",
      "elapsedMsAvg": 1183,
      "count": 1,
      "elapsedMsTotal": 1183
    "logLevel": "Information",
    "profiler": {
      "methodName: "MethodB",
      "elapsedMsAvg": 1183,
      "count": 1,
      "elapsedMsTotal": 1183

Then you can use a terms aggregation on profiler.methodName to split the series without worrying to forget a method.

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