Spring data elasticsearch not connecting to elasticsearch 5 in elastic cloud - jar hell

My cluster ID "003f13"
I have created a cluster with elasticsearch 5.1.2
I am trying to connect to this cluster from spring data and im facing jar hell with lots of class not found exceptions.
Can you please give me a pom.xml that can be used to connect from spring data to elastic search 5.1.2
Please find below the pom.xml im using
Thanks for the help.

		<relativePath/> <!-- lookup parent from repository -->



   <!--  <dependency>
    </dependency> -->


Hi @Saravanan_sathyamoo1 - I'm moving this to the Elasticsearch forum as you'll be able to get better answers there

I had a quick search and there do seem to be people uses the transport client and spring boot, but nobody posted a pom that I saw. I did help someone get JEST working recently and they were using spring, link in case that's the way you want to go: https://github.com/khoanguyen123/es

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