Sql access query not working via curl

we have 6.5 elk . and in dev tools following query works fine
POST /_xpack/sql?format=txt
"query": "select "@timestamp" from "mbeat-2020.01.23" where "@timestamp" >CAST('2020-01-23T05:00:00Z' AS TIMESTAMP)"

but the same is throwing error via curl

[root ~]# curl -XGET "http://localhost:9200/_xpack/sql?format=txt" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'

"query": "select "@timestamp" from "mbeat-2020.01.23" where "@timestamp" >CAST("2020-01-23T05:00:00Z" AS TIMESTAMP)"
{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"x_content_parse_exception","reason":"[3:14] [sql/query] failed to parse object"}],"type":"x_content_parse_exception","reason":"[3:14] [sql/query] failed to parse object","caused_by":{"type":"json_parse_exception","reason":"Unexpected character ('2' (code 50)): was expecting comma to separate Object entries\n at [Source: org.elasticsearch.transport.netty4.ByteBufStreamInput@1789e39b; line: 3, column: 102]"}},"status":400}[root@ukwysms00235 ~]#

it is not accepting CAST("2020-01-23T05:00:00Z" ,
i tried with single quotes , escaping with \ on both single /double quotes . but none is working

This has worked for me

POST /_xpack/sql?format=txt
"query": "select \"@timestamp\" from \"foo\" where \"@timestamp\" >CAST('2020-01-23T05:00:00Z' AS TIMESTAMP)"

maybe you can share the examples that you tried. Keep in mind that you have to create valid JSON.

Hi As i said earlier is working in Dev tools kibana
POST /_xpack/sql?format=txt
"query": "select "@timestamp" from "mbeat-2020.01.23" where "@timestamp" >CAST('2020-01-23T05:00:00Z' AS TIMESTAMP)"

I get only when i run in via curl

Hi @vijay_kaali

In dev tools you mentioned POST but if you see your curl request you are doing with GET method.


Please use POST method in curl command also as below:
curl -X POST "localhost:9200/_sql?format=txt&pretty" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'

Harsh Bajaj

Post is not a problem . but in curl it is throwing error on cast timestamp literal value part

curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/_xpack/sql?format=txt" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'

"query": "select "@timestamp" from "metricbeat.2020.01.23" where "@timestamp" >CAST('2020-01-23T05:00:00Z' AS TIMESTAMP)"
{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"line 1:88: identifiers must not start with a digit; please use double quotes"}],"type":"parsing_exception","reason":"line 1:88: identifiers must not start with a digit; please use double quotes"},"status":400}[root@ukwysms00235 ~]#

curl -XPOST "http://localhost:9200/_xpack/sql?format=txt" -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -d'

"query": "select "@timestamp" from "metricbeat.2020.01.23" where "@timestamp" >CAST("2020-01-23T05:00:00Z" AS TIMESTAMP)"}'
{"error":{"root_cause":[{"type":"verification_exception","reason":"Found 1 problem(s)\nline 1:80: Unknown column [2020-01-23T05:00:00Z]"}],"type":"verification_exception","reason":"Found 1 problem(s)\nline 1:80: Unknown column [2020-01-23T05:00:00Z]"},"status":400}[root@ukwysms00235 ~]#

if i remove full where it is working fine .

You need to escape the double quotes surrounding @timestamp. You look closely at this query - Sql access query not working via curl - there are backslashes there for the double quotes.

Also, CAST("2020-01-23T05:00:00Z" AS TIMESTAMP) should be used with single quotes: CAST('2020-01-23T05:00:00Z' AS TIMESTAMP).

Please, read here more about single quotes and double quotes in ES SQL: https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/7.x/sql-lexical-structure.html#sql-syntax-single-vs-double-quotes

2020 has to be replaced by single quote,backslash,double single quote 2020
CAST('''2020-01-28T05:00:00Z''' . backslash is removed in reply formatter here .

another problem is if i do max(@timestamp ) then , it returns double value instead of timestamp format both in using sql /json output . how to correct it .

And is there any way to extract json value via shell script or make json section in single line

max(date_field) indeed used to return a double value. But this bug is fixed in more recent versions: 6.6.3 is the earliest one that has the fix. For more details and more versions where the fix has been applied, have a look here: https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/pull/40377.

For json output (and on a single line), use format=json: /_xpack/sql?format=json

Thanks a lot .

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