SQL like query in ELasticsearch with AND OR

Hi I am still playing around with elasticsearch(V6.1.3) and found it amazing but still struglling.I can do single term query search easily and code follows for my setup:

    from elasticsearch import Elasticsearch
es = Elasticsearch()
if not es.indices.exists(index="my-index"):
		"settings": {
			"analysis": {
		  		"analyzer": {
		  			"ngram_analyzer": {
						"tokenizer": "ngram_tokenizer",
						"filter": [
		  		"tokenizer": {
		  			"ngram_tokenizer": {
						"type": "ngram",
						"min_gram": 3,
						"max_gram": 100,
						"token_chars": [
	  	"mappings": {
			"my-type": {
		  		"properties": {
		  			"demodata": {
						"type": "text",
						"fields": {
							"ngram": {
			  					"type": "text",
			  					"analyzer": "ngram_analyzer",
			  					"search_analyzer": "standard"
		  			"Field1": {
						"type": "text",
						"fields": {
							"ngram": {
			  					"type": "text",
			  					"analyzer": "ngram_analyzer",
			  					"search_analyzer": "standard"

    es.indices.create(index="my-index", body=customset, ignore=400)
	{ "demodata": "hELLO" ,"field1":"Alex","field2":"Red"},
	{ "demodata": "hi" ,"field1":"Tom","field2":"Blue"},
	{ "demodata": "bye" ,"field1":"Jack","field2":"Green"},
	{ "demodata": "HeLlo WoRld!","field1":"Robert","field2":"Yellow" },
	{ "demodata": "xyz@abc.com","field1":"Dave","field2":"White" }
    for doc in docs:
	res = es.index(index="my-index", doc_type="my-type", body=doc)

res=helpers.scan(client=es,scroll='2m',index="my-index", doc_type="my-type",query={"query": {"match": {"demodata.ngram": "Hello"}}})

Now I want to do following SQL like query (suppose my SQL table name:my-type):

SELECT * FROM my-type WHERE (demodata LIKE '%ell%' OR demodata LIKE '%orld%') AND (field1 LIKE '%red%' OR demodata LIKE '%yellow%')

That means I have to search with multi terms in different fields. Can anyone suggest me how to do that?

You want a bool query with a few must and should clauses.

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