Sql span in .net framework application desktop

Good morning,

I have a desktop application in .net framework 4.8 and now I could create manual transactions with this configuration:

Agent.Subscribe(New HttpDiagnosticsSubscriber())
Agent.Setup(New AgentComponents())

Package: elastic.Apm

But I would like see the sqlspans. I have review that I use sql queries inside a created transaction but not appears. I have read that I must add this line:

-  Agent.Subscribe(New SqlClientDiagnosticSubscriber())

I have add it after the Setup but now I have an error about:

System.MethodAccessException: 'Error cuando el método 'Elastic.Apm.SqlClient.SqlClientDiagnosticSubscriber.Subscribe(Elastic.Apm.IApmAgent)' intentó obtener acceso al método 'Elastic.Apm.CompositeDisposable..ctor()'.'

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
