From api it is evident that we can get statistical calculations like
Standard Deviation, Variance and SumOfSquares using Statistical Facets. But
same is not possible using TermStatsFacet. Is there any reason for not
supporting. Is it possible to get it using TermStatsFacet? Any plans to
support soon?
From api it is evident that we can get statistical calculations like
Standard Deviation, Variance and SumOfSquares using Statistical Facets. But
same is not possible using TermStatsFacet. Is there any reason for not
supporting. Is it possible to get it using TermStatsFacet? Any plans to
support soon?
From api it is evident that we can get statistical calculations like
Standard Deviation, Variance and SumOfSquares using Statistical Facets. But
same is not possible using TermStatsFacet. Is there any reason for not
supporting. Is it possible to get it using TermStatsFacet? Any plans to
support soon?
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