Stats or Date Histogram query for unindexed fields

ElasticSearch Newbee so kindly consider stupid questions :wink:

lets say I have the following document structure

"@timestamp": DDMMYYHHMMSS,
"title": "some test here",
"views": 4

and my mapping is

mappings: {

default: {
- -
_all: {
- enabled: false

mytype: {
- dynamic: "strict"
- -
_all: {
- enabled: false
- -
properties: {
- -
@timestamp: {
- type: "date"
- format: "dateOptionalTime"
- -
title: {
- type: "string"
- -
- -
views: {
- type: "integer"
- index: "no"


so basically I don't want to index my views field as I don't want to search
by views, but I want to get stats for this field or get a date histogram,
for example a histogram of the total views over a given time per hour or
per day

my query looks like this
"facets": {
"0": {
"date_histogram": {
"key_field": "@timestamp",
"value_field": "views",
"interval": "1y"
"global": true,
"facet_filter": {
"fquery": {
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "*"
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match_all": {}
"size": 0

this returns

facets: {

0: {
- _type: "date_histogram"
- -
entries: [
- -
- time: 1356998400000
- count: 27339
- min: "Infinity"
- max: "-Infinity"
- total: 0
- total_count: 0
- mean: 0


so my question is can I do facet/aggregation querries on fields that are
not indexed ? and if not why not ? isn't indexing supposed to be only for
searching ?


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No. You need to index fields of you want to search and compute on those fields.

Le 4 oct. 2014 à 04:25, abid mahmood a écrit :

Elasticsearch Newbee so kindly consider stupid questions :wink:

lets say I have the following document structure

"@timestamp": DDMMYYHHMMSS,
"title": "some test here",
"views": 4

and my mapping is

mappings: {
-default: {
-_all: {
enabled: false
-mytype: {
dynamic: "strict"
-_all: {
enabled: false
-properties: {
-@timestamp: {
type: "date"
format: "dateOptionalTime"
-title: {
type: "string"

-views: {
type: "integer"
index: "no"

so basically I don't want to index my views field as I don't want to search by views, but I want to get stats for this field or get a date histogram, for example a histogram of the total views over a given time per hour or per day

my query looks like this
"facets": {
"0": {
"date_histogram": {
"key_field": "@timestamp",
"value_field": "views",
"interval": "1y"
"global": true,
"facet_filter": {
"fquery": {
"query": {
"filtered": {
"query": {
"query_string": {
"query": "*"
"filter": {
"bool": {
"must": [
"match_all": {}
"size": 0

this returns

facets: {
-0: {
_type: "date_histogram"
-entries: [
time: 1356998400000
count: 27339
min: "Infinity"
max: "-Infinity"
total: 0
total_count: 0
mean: 0

so my question is can I do facet/aggregation querries on fields that are not indexed ? and if not why not ? isn't indexing supposed to be only for searching ?


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