Hi, I'm having issue on ElasticSearch storage. My total index store size was 140mb, I had used almost 48GB, left 1GB. Used 47GB/48GB on my index.
I had 28k rows.
How can I free up the size with 28k row updated informations?
shards disk.indices disk.used disk.avail disk.total disk.percent host ip node
1 140.4mb 47.4gb 902.9mb 48.2gb 98 es02
1 140.4mb 47.4gb 902.9mb 48.2gb 98 es01
health status index uuid pri rep docs.count docs.deleted store.size pri.store.size
green open property qecFd4q2TG2TSduE3hdCjA 1 1 129400 4494 280.9mb 140.4mb