Store field as text and keyword in 7.3

I've recently migrated from 6.8 to 7.3 and noticed an apparent different in how Elasticsearch is handling my templates.
Here's an excerpt from my index template:

     "index_patterns": ["xxx-*"],
     "settings": {
       "number_of_shards": 1,
       "number_of_replicas": 1
     "mappings": {
       "doc": {
         "properties": {
           "message": {
             "type": "text",
             "fields": {
               "keyword": {
                 "type": "keyword",
                 "ignore_above": 30000
           "LAT-LONG": {
             "type": "text",
             "fields": {
               "keyword": {
                 "type": "geo_point"

Under 6.8, this resulted in the "message" field being stored as both message and message.keyword, and the "LAT-LONG" was stored as both LAT-LONG and LAT-LONG.keyword. Now, in 7.3, the ".keyword" fields are not being created. Is there something I need to change?

I'm not sure why you would want to store the original LAT_LONG value as text, just have it as a geo_point.

However I just tested this on 7.8, and it worked as per the mapping you provided.

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